We are a stocks and options trading platform created to redesign how you trade. Trade Cheetah gives a sense of ease for the beginner and luxury for the advanced trader. We are an end-to-end risk management app for your portfolio and positions with the industry’s first Smart Icon trade management system, robust notifications to keep you safe, AI research lab, AI market scanner and much more to create the first GPS assisted trading experience.

Live To Trade
LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO LIVE IN FRONT OF A SCREEN. With real-time trading and alerts together with our watch, Alexa and VR integration, Trade Cheetah users will truly be able to trade anywhere anytime even if they are surfing, biking or hiking across the globe.
Trade Cheetah
Changes The Game.

End To End Risk Management
Let's Take A Tour
Join us for VIP access to our limited V2 Beta Launch. We invite you to be an early member and share what you think as we finish Trade Cheetah 2.0. Don’t want to wait? Start trading now with us on the first version of Trade Cheetah. (v1.tradecheetah.com)
Intelligent Scanner
The 1st Strategy Scanner That Understands You
- Intelligent Strategy Market Scanner
- Unlimited Custom Dynamic Filters
- Instant In-Depth Trade Analysis
- Single Click Trade Creation
Speed And Safety
Unparalleled Risk And ROI Control
- Interactive Strategy Calculators
- Multiple Dynamic Watch Lists
- Strategy Based Interactive Chains
- Effective Risk And ROI Control
Complete Portfolio GPS
Ease For Beginners & Luxury For The Advanced
- Smart Portfolio Tracking With Live Data
- Unlimited Live, Virtual & Tracking Portfolios
- Dynamic Strategy Smart Icons
- Adaptive Menus by Strategy
We Are No Longer Standing By, We Are Standing Up.
In 2020, a new wave of retail traders joined forces to save a business they loved, GAMESTOP. Their actions inflicted a 7 BILLION DOLLAR blow to industry giants like Citadel, bringing them perilously close to the edge. They brought the entire market to its knees and changed retail investment forever. The game has changed and we are here to stay…

We Are Afraid
Information Overload: When too much is thrown at us, we know we will miss something. Limited Education: Without knowing what what we are doing, We will fail. Complicated Platforms: We are human. Trading tools should be intuitive, made for us.
We Are Alone
Until now, trading platforms have left us out in the cold trading alone with complicated tools.

Saving a paycheck in the bank will no longer do. Hidden fees and Inflation are reducing the life savings of the average investor by 40 to 60 percent.

The Market
Market Boom
Trading is at an all time high with over 100+ million retail accounts in the U.S alone and over 50 million internationally as of 2020.
In 2020 options contracts traded surpassed the 20 million per day mark. An unprecedented 32% increase since its previous record.
Source – FIA. Options Clearing Corporation

Market Concerns
Lack of knowledge, time, risk… Trade Cheetah completely addresses all of the main concerns preventing investors from trading options again.
Source - Study by Harris Poll. Commissioned by the Options Industry Council.
Traders are surging, and it is only the beginning. We are starting to realize we are the product, the energy powering the system. Its our time to take control.

The Opportunity
Market Size

The Potential
Corporations are everywhere. Their goal is for us to buy, buy, buy. It is time we buy them instead.
Transcending brokerages And countries
Shifting The Status Quo
Most trading apps are brokerage owned, making users dependent on their fees and offerings. Brokerage agnosticism turns them into utilities. Learning a new platform or importing data is no longer an issue. Users can switch brokers at will without ever leaving Trade Cheetah.

The Market
Trading is at all time high with over 100+ million retail accounts in the U.S alone and over 50 million internationally as of 2020.
In 2020 options contracts traded surpassed the 20 million per day mark. An unprecedented 32% increase since its previous record in 2011
Source – FIA. Options Clearing Corporation
The Market
Trading is at all time high with over 100+ million retail accounts in the U.S alone and over 50 million internationally as of 2020.
In 2020 options contracts traded surpassed the 20 million per day mark. An unprecedented 32% increase since its previous record in 2011
Source – FIA. Options Clearing Corporation

Addressing these concerns
Will increment the influx of new traders and their engagement, increasing the overall value of each new participant in the market. Our goal is to grow the client base while simultaneously attracting as many clients as possible within the existing Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM).

Artificial Intelligence
Trade Like A Human

Aim - Shibumi:
Excellence and beauty through simplicity, effortless perfection. Is time to go back to the future.
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."
~ Ernest Hemingway
We have perfected The Bicycle For The Trader’s mind, the most efficient way to navigate the market with ease and confidence.
Is not that we have little time…
but that we lose so much… The life we receive is not short, we make it so… We are not ill provided but we use what we have wastefully. ‘Seneca’

Never miss another adventure again
Surfing, snowboarding, biking… real time trading and alerts anywhere anytime.
A simpler way to trade
Place any trade or get the latest update for any of your positions through Alexa with Trade Cheetah’s AI voice activated interface.

Next Generation Trading
The Future Of Education

Our Users Invest In Us. We Feel That Is Testimonial Enough.
"Trade Cheetah is light years ahead of anything else! They created a platform that the “greenest” and most advanced traders can use to gain significant benefit from.
I love the integrity and passion of the team, they provide the best support possible to all subscribers and continually strive to improve their product!"
Geoff W
Trade Cheetah client since 2017
"Trade Cheetah is an invaluable tool. No matter whether you want to scan the markets, track your monthly/annual ROI, Trade Cheetah is the ideal companion for serious option traders!"
Mark W
Trade Cheetah client since 2017
"Trade Cheetah has become an essential part of my trading tools. Since utilizing Trade Cheetah not only have my returns increased, but my confidence and decision making as well! I highly recommend and endorse Trade Cheetah and wouldn’t be without it.”
Paul R
Trade Cheetah client since 2017
‘Do not try to bend the spoon, it’s impossible… there is no spoon. It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself’
Tell me where you come from and I will tell you where we can go...